Daily Log for Rollercoaster Project

Thurs. 5/6/10: Created the three rails for my coaster.  Encountered problems while trying to make the rails stay uniform through a loop but fixed it by making two loops.
Thurs. 5/13/10: Made a few adjustments to the design of the track to make the coaster longer
Fri. 5/14/10: Continued creating the rails for the track.  Changed settings to make the rails stay uniform.
Tues. 5/18/10: Finished the bottom rails and arrayed the angled support rails throughout
Wed. 5/19/10: Created supports for the track and seperate ones for the loops
Thurs. 5/20/10: The supports did not fully touch the track at all points so I extruded/added sphere to them so that they would make contact and appear more realistic. 
Mon. 5/24/10 - Mon. 6/7/10: Cleaned up any errors in surfaces as well as added brazil textures for rendering
Tues. 6/8/10 - Thurs. 6/9/10: Found the appropriate Brazil settings for render.  Fixed problem with horizon being too high by putting the ground surface at angles to block out the empty space.  Added lift for the train.
Fri. 6/11/10: Created station for coaster train and walking bridge over track
Mon. 6/14/10: Added interior of station and visual details to bridge and station
Weds. 6/16/10 - Fri. 6/18/10: Added brazil textures to changes and rendered